Curious Bends
Guest post by Andrea Cross.
“The charm of a woodland road lies not only in its beauty but in anticipation. Around each bend may be a discovery, an adventure.”
I showed this image to a friend. She commented how it sparked her curiosity to discover what lay around that corner. We reflected back on our own lives - how much we wished we could see how our next decision would affect our future. Life would be so much easier if we just knew the outcome.
But then I thought about how much I love the bends in the road. When I hike, it’s always the curve in the path that pushes me onward. I say to myself, “I’ll just see what’s around that next bend and then I’ll turn back.” There could be anything around that corner - a bear, a waterfall, a mountain, a imagination gets busy and my feet get moving! Once I round the corner, I am compelled to acquaint myself with the mysteries of the next curious bend on the horizon. I spend half my hikes gasping in awe and wonder at each new vista unveiled.
Without the possibility of another magnificent reveal would I feel as driven to push onward? If I already knew every inch of the path, would the journey be as exciting? Would I fight as hard to reach my goals in life if I already knew the outcome?
Is it the achievement of the goal that pushes us forward or the curiosity to learn what we don’t already know? I’m not sure I have the answer. I do know, however, that there is a certain pleasure derived from the not-knowing.
Curiosity is a great motivator.
Get curious about your life. Contact me about my therapy services in Vancouver.
Andrea Cross is a professional photographer from Vancouver Island, Canada. View her work at
Photo credit: Andrea Cross