Walk & Talk Resources
“Look deep into nature;
then you will understand everything better.”
—Albert Einstein
Research on Walking, Forest Bathing and Outdoor Therapy
Forest Therapy: An excellent 6-minute film that profiles current forest therapy research and practices and features one of Canada’s experts in the field, Dr. Nevin Harper
Effect of Forest Bathing Trips on Human Immune Function. Journal of Environmental Health and Preventative Medicine. January 2010
Why Walking Makes You a Better Worker. BBC.com/Worklife. March 2019
Children with attention deficits concentrate better after walk in the park. Journal of Attention Disorders, Mar. 2009.
Sports Medicine Physician Prescribes Walking for Mental and Physical Health. White Coat, Black Art podcast (CBC). January 2021
How Walking in Nature Prevents Depression. The Atlantic Monthly. June 2015
Mood Disorders Can Be Lifted By Spending More Time Outdoors. Harvard Medical School, July 2018
Walk and Talk, Psychotherapy Takes a Stroll By Lauren Dockett, November/December 2019
BDNF mediates improvements in executive function following a 1-year exercise intervention. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2014; 8: 985
The Positive Effects Of Nature On Your Mental Well-Being By Madhuleena Roy Chowdhury, BA, September 2019
Is Time Outdoors the Key to Helping Veterans Overcome PTSD? by Abbie Hausermann, MSW, LICSW, September 2015
Taking A Walk In Nature Could Be The Best Thing You Do For Your Mood All Day By Carolyn Gregoire, September 2014
Stanford researchers find mental health prescription: Nature by Rob Jordan, June 2015
It's Time for Doctors to Prescribe Outdoor Therapy by Frederick Reimers, October 2016
How Walking in Nature Changes the Brain By Gretchen Reynolds, July 2015
The Nature Cure - Why some doctors are writing prescriptions for time outdoors by James Hamblin, October 2015
Want to Be More Creative? Go For a Walk TED talk with Marily Oppezzo
Scottish Doctors Are Now Issuing Prescriptions to Go Hiking by Justin Houseman, October 2018
Hate the Idea of Going to Therapy? Do it While You Run by Ashley Mateo, December 2018
Why some practitioners of walk-and-talk therapy think it is especially helpful for teens by By Carolee Belkin Walker, May 2019
Why time spent walking near water is the secret of happiness. Elle Hunt, The Guardian, Nov. 2019
Five Ways Exercise Changes Your Brain. Greater Good Magazine, Jan. 2020
Exercise is an All-Natural Way to Fight Depression. Harvard Health Magazine, 2013
Why Long Walks Will Change Your Life. Harry J. Stead, Medium online, 2020
One Step Ahead: How Walking Opens New Horizons. The Guardian, 2019