Deep Insight to Be Found When at the Lakeside: Go, Go Now

Elfin Lakes Feature - Vancouver Walk and Talk Therapy


By Adrian Juric

When was the last time you took yourself

For a good walk around the lake?

The lake whose deep stillness

Can hold all, hear all, absorb all you need to let go of?

When was the last time you noticed

The skater-bugs, the ruby-eyed loons,

the waving cattails that spin in its orbit,

that don’t dare – nor care -- to be anything else?

Go now, go back to that lake.

Circle round it, letting its cobalt shores draw you

in an ever tightening spiral down,

down towards the truths

that lie hidden in your own glittering depths.

Go. Go now.

Find that absolute stillpoint at its core,

From which all else emanates

Listen, from the bathymetry of your own heart,

For answers you did not know

you had

in you.

Discover what truths may lay deep within you. Contact Adrian about his walk-and-talk counselling services in Vancouver today.


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